The Micheladas Are the Beer Cocktail of the Moment | VinePair

Flavor dominates all corners of the alcoholic beverage industry. Hard ciders and teas taste like popsicles, double IPAs evoke fruit punch, and Simply and Mountain Dew have spawned boozy spinoffs. Now the latest flavor delivery vehicles are Mexico’s bold yet approachable Chelada and Michelada cervezas preparadas, or beer cocktails.

These refreshing beer cocktails, sold in cans or mixed behind a bar, are broadening beer’s multicultural appeal by deploying heat and fruit in a lower-ABV format that’s ideal for most any drinking occasion.

“The Michelada has the three Fs: flavor, fun and functionality,” says Oscar Martinez, the chief marketing officer of Miche Mix. “We love to think about the Michelada as a blank canvas.”

For VinePair, I tackle the growing michelada trend.


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