Brut Strength: Behold, the Rise of Bubbly, Spritzy Brut IPAs | Imbibe Magazine
Photo by Kelly Puleio
Beer fads are as sticky as knock-off Scotch tape. Which is a fun way to introduce the brut IPA. Taking its name from brut, one of the driest Champagne classifications, the IPA has become the hottest tinder fanning the hop fires. “This is the latest whack in the volley of style development and reaction of one against the other, and building on what’s come before,” says Brewing Eclectic IPA author Dick Cantwell, Magnolia Brewing’s head of brewing operations.
For Imbibe, I take a deep dive into the the beer world’s lightning-fast trend cycles. I’ve never seen a style adopted and spread as quickly as the brut IPA. Want to know why?