The United States of Beer

usbeer-940x500Now that's a flag!

I spend much of my year on the road, traveling from town to town, state to state, drinking my fair share of local beer. I know, I know: It's a tough job. And it really is! Have you ever tried to wake up at 7 a.m. and written a 2,000-word story with a jackhammer pounding away at your grey matter? That is no way to live, my friends.

But anyhoo, all that travel and beer drinking paid off for my first contribution to the new food and drink website, First We Feast. For the United States of Beer, I helped pick some of the best beers in each state. While the list may not be exhaustive, it is a fun one to debate. And it'll tell you just what the heck you should drink in Nevada and New Mexico. Curious? Check out the tale!



My Wish List for Craft Beer: 2012 Edition


Look, Ma, We Made the New York Times!