Brooklyn Homebrew Tour II: The Aftermath

berstein-thumb-500x332Photo: Village Voice/Suemedha Sood

I learned a very important lesson on Sunday: You can lead a homebrew tour while mildly (well, mostly) hungover on whiskey and nursing a massive Rico's Tacos chorizo torta in your belly. The second installment of the homebrew tour was a roaring hoot, despite the fact that, due to a brain fart, I nearly sent half the tour participants onto a different train.

But no matter: Beers were sampled! Homebrewers were met! Camaraderie was forged! The Village Voice (a mortal enemy to my Gut Instinct employer, the New York Press) ended up penning an article about the tour. Thankfully, the writer left out the fact that I was a shambling wreck and instead focused on the fact that I made my sign from cardboard ripped from the garbage. Good times.

I never planned to be a tour guide, but these Brooklyn Homebrew tours are such a blast that I'm going to get them going again in the New Year. If you're interested, send me an e-mail at josh.bernstein AT, and I'll be sure to put you on my happy list. Look at this satisfied customer!


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